Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who am I? I am a branch.

Who am I?  I am a branch. I am a branch attached to the Vine.
That's my identity. It's who I am. It helps explain the mystery of who I am and why I am here.
The Vine gives me life forever as long as I am attached. Why would I want to break myself off and wither up and die?
From the vine, I get the nutrients for life and sustenance. I get water. My leaf is always green with life. I produce fruit from the life given by the Vine. The fruit of patience.  I can only produce the fruit from the Vine as long as I am attached.
Through the Vine, I, the branch, righteousness is produced in me.  I am right and I do right.  The fruit of peace and gentleness flows into me from the life-giving Vine. 
The fruit of love, kindness, gentleness, joy, faithfulness, and self control is produced in me from the life-giving Vine. I can't produce this fruit apart from the Vine. All I have to do is abide- remain attached-and the Life of the Vine flows through me giving me true life, meaning, and purpose.
The Husbandman prunes off the spurious growth.  Pruning is sure painful but necessary to keep me at maximum production. It's not fun to be cut on. I don't like to be cut. To be pruned. But after the pruning, I am better. I am made fit to produce more and better fruit. To have a better quality of life rid of the spurious to continue to be fruitful and of value to the Husbandman and to myself and others who are blessed and nourished from my fruit produced by the Vine and disciplined by the Husbandman.
Quite remarkable!
An untended branch grows crazily producing little or no fruit. But I am tended and pruned so I can have direction and power in my growth and in producing good fruit that pleases the Husbandman. 
Yes, I am a branch attached to the life-giving Vine. Why would I ever want to detach from the Vine and fall on the ground to wither up and die and then be gathered and piled up with the rest of the dead branches for burning.
Now that would be painful!
Praise to the Vine!  Glory be to the Husbandman!  Hallelujah!  I am a branch!

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