Thursday, January 30, 2014

Who am I? I am dirt.

Who am I?  I am dirt. Good dirt. Jesus gives me the identity of good soil.

The seed of the Gospel fell on me and took root. It germinated and has been growing a long time.

My back has been plowed many times by the Sower to loosen up the soil of my heart. To plow under and cover the weeds that threatened and sometimes choked out my life.

In times of drought, the Sower irrigated my dry dirt with His life-giving water causing me to spring to life again when I was parched and wilted.

The roots from the Gospel seed extend deep into me.

Who am I?  I am dirt.  Good dirt. Good soil.

The Sower came along and sowed His seeds. The seed sowed into me germinated, took root, grew, and produces a harvest.  That's good dirt. It's what dirt is and is supposed to do.

When the howling winds of storm came, the strong roots of the Gospel weren't pulled up because I am good dirt where the roots can grow deep.  Nothing shallow about my dirt! No granite rock underneath my dirt.  Just good, rich soil.

I am not the Georgia red clay in the hills either where the rain runs off in torrents washing everything away.  I am like the soil my dad used to talk about and my ancestors farmed. It's South Carolina low country dirt that soaks up the rains and produces a bountiful harvest. I'm good dirt!

The seed sowed into my dirt is a seed like none other. It is a divine seed. All other seeds are human seeds that germinate into weeds. Weeds that grow and take over everything. Good for nothing.

I am blessed that the Sower chose to sow His divine seed in my field. Furthermore, it is not a seed that perishes. It is imperishable.  It is the living and enduring word of  God. The seed implanted in my dirt grows now and forever.  Imperishable. Nothing can kill the plant growing from the seed in me!  Wow!

This divine plant growing from the seed planted in me always produces fruit.  The seasons do not matter. Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter. Even in the dead of winter, the plant from the divine seed is producing. 
In the awakening of Spring, the plant in my good soil produces joy. Joy to feel the new life pushing through into the sunrise. The joy from the wonder of life coming from winter's dark death. Spring produces life and renewal causing the seed in my soil to burst through death into life. What good is the implanted seed if it doesn't die and come to life raised in an immortal, glorified body?  The seed dies and does comes to life!  It comes alive in the Spring and produces the fruit of eternal joy.

In the warmth of the Summer sun, it produces love. Lots of love that pleases the Sower.

In the glory of Fall's brilliance, the plant reflects the glory of the Sower who generously gives His glory to a world that is drab and dull.  He lights it up with a harvest of color. The red apples.  The orange pumpkins. The yellow corn. Beautiful. His glory shines in brilliant splendor grown from the implanted seed of the Word that just grows and grows into the glorious image of the Sower.

In the Winter, the plant grows the patience of faith in those hard, freezing icy times. Patient faith to know that Winter is temporary and that Spring's renewal is only a few months away.

God made Adam from dirt, and He made me dirt.  

Who am I?  I am dirt.  Good dirt.  Good soil. The Gospel seed germinated, took root, grew, and produces and produces, and produces good harvests in every season.

That's pretty amazing to me. Dirt. Good soil. So I will give all praise to the Sower and glory in His grace for choosing my dirt to plant His seed and grow a harvest in my rich soil!

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