Monday, January 27, 2014

Who am I? I am salt.

Who am I?  I am salt.

My identity does not come from within me. It comes from outside me.  I am not defined by what I do.  By my job, my education, my family background.  I am not defined by my successes or failures.  Those are not who I really am.  Those are within me.

My identity is defined by Christ who is beyond me yet is in me through his Holy Spirit.  He tells me who I really am and makes me who I really am.  The answers to who I am and why I exist come from Him. After all, He is the Creator (Colossians 1:16), and he is the One who created me.  Therefore, He knows who I am and why I was created!  He holds the solution to the mysteries of life, being, and belonging,

Jesus says I am salt. The  salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13).  And He put the saltiness in me!

Salt?  That's rather strange and something I've overlooked as how I am salt.  I've always considered salt of the earth as seasoning for the world, but it's more, much more, than that. Salt is seasoning  that adds taste for people whose lives are bland. They exist but do not live.

Salt adds the taste of holiness, purpose, comfort, power, and many other delectable qualities to those who exist but do not live.  Salt brightens their day with the smile of encouragement, the presence of a fellow traveler and pilgrim, and preserves family and friend relationships.

I bring seasoning to unsavory situations. Love to those rejected by others.  Comfort to those who grieve.  Counsel to those who are downcast. Hope to the hopeless. I am all of these tasteful qualities that Christ freely gives to salt. Amazing!

What is bread without salt?  Yuk!  But, a half teaspoon of salt added to the dough makes the bread delightful. Moreover, it only takes a sprinkle or two to light up broccoli, a salad, and innumerable foods.  A little salt flavors everything it touches.

And, what good is salt sitting on the shelf?  It has to be used!  In the same way, my life is to be used. When I sprinkle my salt around, then I am useful and beneficial. My identity is in usefulness.  I fulfill the purpose for which the saltiness of salt is given to me. Salt is made to be used.

I am salt whose saltiness is created by Christ. I am just a little dash of salt, but I flavor everyone who I touch. That's pretty neat now that I meditate on it.

The identity Jesus gives me takes the bland and hum-drum out of life including mine.

Jesus puts the saltiness of salt in me making me a blessing to others and tasteful for service in His name.   This makes my life valuable because of the identity Christ gives me in pronouncing that I am salt!

Without salt, the body dies.  Plants, animals, and humans have to have salt to live. Without salt, relationships die, the soul dies, and even the world dies.

Christ puts the salt in me so that I live and not exist.  He gives me the taste for life which I am to sprinkle around and share with everyone.

Salt is good, necessary stuff. Who am I?  I am salt.  Wow!  Praise the Lord! Glory to God!

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