Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Not Forgotten

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them" (Hebrews 6:10).

How nice it is to get a phone call out of the blue from someone in the past! I got one of those last night. He is going through a tough time, and I ministered hope and love to him. His call also meant a lot to me. It was encouraging to me to know I was not forgotten and that he turned to me for help. We are mutually beneficial to each other. I helped him. He helped me (Romans 1:12).

Sometimes, I feel forgotten. I have had friends who I thought were friends not call or check on me when I have had tremendous setbacks and crises in my life. I felt abandoned and alone. I thank God that my wife has always and is here for me.  We both have expressed to each other how lonely and forsaken we would feel if one of us died. Both of us agree that we want to go out together!  We know who our real friends are and our real friends are each other!

But out of the blue came that phone call last night. It was a good feeling to know that I have not been forgotten. That I still mattered to him. That he thought of me in his crisis. I need to feel needed. We all do.  It gives us a sense of purpose, affirmation, and belonging.

Not only do we feel forgotten by others sometimes, but we can feel forgotten by God. It's like God doesn't know who I am anymore.  He doesn't care. He hasn't answered my prayers. He hasn't gotten me out of this fix I'm in. Why hasn't He called?

This is when we have to believe by faith that God indeed hasn't forgotten or forsaken us like people do.

God doesn't forget you because you have shown the Lord your love in many ways. One is by the work you have done and maybe doing for him now. You have helped His people and continue to help them. God is not unjust. He won't walk away and ignore you. He will not forget you or your work done in love for Him.

You may not get a phone call like I did, but the Lord does have a letter he sent you. Get it out and read it again. Here are some of the assurances in His letter:
  1. "Surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). 
  2. "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).
  3. "The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He rejoices over you with singing!" (Zephaniah 3:17). 
“I will never leave you . . .” Have we really let God say this to us in times of loneliness and feeling forsaken that He will never leave me? If you have need of this assurance from God, read his letter again and again.  Read it out loud to yourself. Memorize it. God speaks truth. Always.

And I firmly believe that some way, some how God will make known in a tangible way that he has not forgotten you. It may be through a phone call like I got. It may be through a change from an unfavorable to a favorable circumstance. It may be that He speaks directly to you in a whisper like he did to Elijah (1 Kings 19:11-12). Whatever way God chooses, He will make known His presence to you. You are not forgotten!  

There are times we need that phone call. I got one. You will too in one way or another. He will let you know that you are not forgotten!

Click this link for "You Are Faithful" sung by Darlene  Zschech & Woody Pierson or click the play arrow on the video. 

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